Martine Rothblatt – Flying Cars & Artificial Organs

2019, Business & Entrepreneurship, Finance, Health & Longevity, Politics & Activism, Science & Technology
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Martine and Moses talk about viable ways people can live longer – or perhaps even forever – thought growing transplantable organs with customized DNA, mind file technology allowing for digital uploads of yourself, and much more.

This talk is forward thinking and enlightening. Martine is CEO of United Therapeutics, a company she created to save the life of one of her daughters who was battling a rare disease. She previously started SiriusXM satellite radio and was its CEO. Her most recent book is Virtually Human, an analysis of ethical and legal issues related to cyber consciousness. Together with her partner Bina Aspen, they support secular foundations and a religion dedicated to creating, preserving and reviving cyber consciousness for everyone.


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