Nadine Artemis and Ron Obadia

Nadine Artemis and Ron Obadia

Nadine Artemis is a botanical muse, whom Alanis Morissette acclaims as “a true sense-visionary with a wondrous knowledge and passion for it all.” Ron Obadia is a yogi who spent many years in the Downward Dog asana, only to realize that meditation is anytime and anywhere. He now breathes yoga into a pathless land.

Upon meeting, Nadine and Ron formed Living Liberations – organic creations that tune people’s senses to the adventure of living. Out of this play with pure-plant wonders their primordial Chocolate Bars were made. Living Liberations’ chocolate bursts through all confectionary-myths, and is celebrated as “the Love Child of Willy Wonka and Mary Poppins.” From this came Chocolate Yoga, the alchemy of Ron and Nadine’s cosmic communion, pouring the bliss-sap of yoga into the sacred and the secular. Nadine and Ron embody a bliss that is caught rather than sought, activated rather than cultivated.


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