Lionel Tiger

Lionel Tiger is the Charles Darwin Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University. His title reflects his pioneering role in introducing biosocial data into the social sciences. Exploring how and why is Tiger’s central adventure.

Currently he is focused on day care, young males, the pill, college demographics, the workforce, and the ways in which humans are becoming progressively more and more alienated from their biological roots. A graduate of McGill University, the London School of Economics at the University of London, England, he is a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense on the future of biotechnology and the author of a new, controversial book The Decline of Males. Dr. Tiger, who developed the concept of “male bonding” in his classis study Men In Groups, has determined that women are in a trend to surpass men in economic, social and reproductive status – and that the cause of this seismic shift is not political or moral, but biological.


Lionel Tiger - Why Female Affirmative Action is Damaging to Males

“If you want to know your grandchildren, have a daughter.” Lionel Tiger discusses societal shifts...