The Art Of Reinvention


Liona Boyd is mining new artistic territory – as a children’s book author! Her newly published The Cat Who Played Guitar is written in rhyming poetry, accompanied by illustrations by Laura Fernandez and Rick Jacobson. There is also an audiobook read by her that includes 11 short guitar pieces. The classical music icon is no stranger to reinvention, whether delving into the world of pop music, adding vocals to her renown playing or writing not just one, but two autobiographies. And when she last joined us at ideacity, she played and spoke about the evolution of her plucking style – a change, she explained, forced upon her because of a diagnosis of musician’s focal dystonia.

A Class-ical Act


Internationally renowned concert pianist Daniel Vnukowski brings his passion and knowledge of classical music to…READ MORE »

Ruffling Republican Feathers


During its 20-year run, the ideacity conference broke ground on a lot of subject matter…READ MORE »

Thriving & Surviving In Nature


Through his adventures as Survivorman, Les Stroud has been chased by a jaguar, lived through…READ MORE »

Adventurous Environmental Stewardship


Julie Angus had no rowing experience when she decided to pick up the oars and…READ MORE »