Bennett Jones


Bennett Jones

Bennett Jones is an internationally recognized Canadian law firm founded and focused on principles of professional excellence, integrity, respect and independent thought. Our firm’s leadership position is reflected in the law we practise, the groundbreaking work we do, the client relationships we have, and the quality of our people.

Bennett Jones is home to more than 380 lawyers and business advisors in eight offices – Calgary, Toronto, Edmonton, Ottawa, Doha, Dubai and Washington, DC, and Beijing. Our professional practice encompasses virtually every sector of business, industry and government. Operating as an integrated unit across our geographic locations, our business practice is to assign lawyers to work on client files who have the skills and experience that best meet our clients’ needs.

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Les Stroud – Thriving & Surviving In Nature


Through his adventures as Survivorman, Les Stroud has been chased by a jaguar, lived through…READ MORE »

Adventurous Environmental Stewardship


Julie Angus had no rowing experience when she decided to pick up the oars and…READ MORE »

Predictions From A Food Futurist


Dr. Irwin Adam combines a background in engineering, biology and technology with passions for eating…READ MORE »

On Tap For Black History Month


He’s a Canadian tap dancing legend who began his onstage career at the age of…READ MORE »