Love, Sex and Relationships


Valentine’s Day – a time to celebrate romance and the people we love. But in a changing world, what is the future of love, sex and relationships? In 10 years, could we be celebrating Valentine’s Day with multiple partners? What about robots?

We’ve compiled our best talks on those subjects, ranging from the history of the marriage to the future of love and sex with robots. Watch the highlights below, and check out our full playlist here.

Ogi Ogas & Sai Gaddam – Searching for Sex

Researchers Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam mine online sexual search data and cross-examine trends from a neuroscience perspective to explain the erotic habits of men and women on the internet – with some surprising results.

Christopher Ryan – Non-Monogamy

Authors of “Sex At Dawn” Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha reject the standard narrative of human monogamy through history. Instead, they look to our prehistoric ancestors and close primate relatives to propose a different idea of sexual relationships.

Sheril Kirshenbaum – The Science of Kissing

The art of kissing is familiar, but Sheril Kirshenbaum brings a less-ventured perspective to the ideacity stage. Kirshenbaum digs into history, literature and scientific research to figure out why humans kiss and what happens to the brain and body when we engage in this near-universal behaviour.

Disrupting The Industry


Finding Your Faith


The Future of Food – Ontario Science Centre Brain Break


Stuck on what to make for dinner tonight? Wonder where the future of food is…READ MORE »

Richard Horner – Why We and Other Living Things Sleep
