The Kitchen Magicians

The Kitchen Magicians is a collaboration between gastronaut Bob Blumer and mentalist Haim Goldenberg. In their show, the two entertainers join forces to up the ante in a playful rivalry that combines humor, mind-blowing visual tricks and practical cooking tips. Ideacity is their debut performance.


Haim Goldenberg - Real Life Mentalist

Mentalist Haim Goldenberg draws some inspiration from our audience.

Haim Goldenberg - Mind-Blowing Mentalism

Mentalist Haim Goldenberg demonstrates his elite illusory skills, drawing on ideacity audience members...

Bob Blumer - The Adventure of Cooking

From T-shirt hawker to celebrated TV chef, Bob Blumer recaps his journey to gourmet adventure. He...

Bob Blumer & Haim Goldenberg - The Kitchen Magicians

Gourmet chef Bob Blumer and mentalist Haim Goldenberg perform for the first time with their cooking...